Low-Income Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption

This exemption provides seniors with limited income protection against real estate tax increases due to rising property values. This exemption is NOT a tax freeze or a tax reduction and does not protect against increased taxes due to tax rate increases.
Requires January 1 occupancy for the year of application and the prior year.
Requires a total household gross income of $65,000 or less.
Requires annual renewal application.  
Applicants must be receiving the Senior Citizen Homestead Exemption.  
The deadline for renewal is every year by July 1st.

2023 Low-Income Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption Form
2024 Low-Income Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption Form

Please contact the Winnebago County Supervisor of Assessments Office (815) 319-4460 with any questions.