Assessment Appeals
If there are errors in regard to the physical characteristics of my property on the Assessor's Property Record Card, do I have to file an appeal with the Board of Review in order to correct the record and/or receive a reduction?
If there are errors in regard to the physical characteristics of my property on the Assessor's Property Record Card, do I have to file an appeal with the Board of Review in order to correct the record and/or receive a reduction?
No. This change can typically be remedied upon an inspection for verification by the Assessor's Office. If the item(s) correction impacts the valuaton of your property, the correction can be made at our office and would be effective from the date of verification forward. If the correction is made while the Board of Review is in session, our office will issue an Assessment Change Request (ACR) and submit it to the Board of Review for approval. This type of request is generally approved by the Board.
"Physical Characteristics" in this FAQ include such items as building size (SF), age and/or condition, lot size, basement area, etc.
To request an inspection by our office, please call 815-965-0300.